What to Expect From Your First Audiology Appointment

Have you started to notice it’s harder to hear in a busy restaurant? Maybe you’re turning the volume up on your phone more often or struggling to hear the TV. Hearing loss happens for many individuals as they age, so it’s important to set up an audiology appointment to address it early. 

This may seem intimidating, but it’ll be a breeze if you know what to expect and find trusted local audiologists that can help you. Most first-time appointments include the following.

Share Your Medical Records 

Review the basics of your medical history before going to the appointment, including things like medications, allergies, and past surgical procedures. Most offices will have you fill out a form stating the essentials. Your audiologist will also ask you questions to get a better understanding of your symptoms and possible causes of your hearing loss.

Have your insurance on hand when you arrive at your appointment and call them ahead of time if you have any questions on coverage. If you have specific issues you want to discuss with your audiologist, make a list to ensure all your concerns are addressed.

A Series of Tests 

Your hearing test will require—you guessed it—a few tests. These will be simple and shouldn’t take very long. Besides the actual physical exam of the ear, some of the most common tests include: 

Pure-Tone Audiometry 

Most people recognize pure-tone audiometry as the test where you raise your hand when you hear the beep. During this test, you’ll receive directions through headphones from your audiologist, listening to tones at different volumes and pitches.

Speech in Noise Test 

This one is exactly what it sounds like—no tricks here! During this test, you’ll listen to speech as noises become increasingly distracting to measure your ability to hear with background noise. This test is important because it showcases the daily problems an individual may have with frequent background noise.

Speech Audiometry 

This test simply takes away the noise portion of the speech in noise test. It measures how well you can understand recorded or live speech at varying levels. You will state the words back as you hear them to help your audiologist further understand the degree of your hearing loss.  


This test measures movement in your eardrum using air pressure. This can rule out other causes of hearing loss, like wax buildup, fluid, or even tumors. Tympanometry is commonly used for children but can be used for people of all ages.  

Receive Test Results and Make a Plan 

Test results come in the form of an audiogram, which is essentially a chart that showcases your hearing threshold level in decibels (dB HL). Your audiologist can explain the results to you, so don’t be afraid to ask for further explanation on anything that is confusing.  

Your audiologist may also be able to provide insight on the possible cause of your hearing loss. Maybe you went to one too many loud concerts, have a buildup of earwax, or have a genetic history of hearing loss. Regardless of the cause, the most exciting part is coming up with a plan to address it. 

Common solutions include: 

  • Hearing aids 
  • Ear irrigation 
  • Ear protection 
  • External devices (such as ways to make your phone louder) 
  • Cochlear implants 

You may only need one solution or a combination of several. You can also use trial and error to find the one that best suits your lifestyle. Remember, you’re not in it alone—your audiologist has the experience and expertise to help you make the right decision for you.

Book Your First Appointment 

Visiting your audiologist doesn’t have to be frightening. At Amdahl Hearing, we prioritize patient comfort and education to ensure you receive the expert care you deserve. Contact us today to schedule your first appointment!

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.