Seven Tips for Living Well with Hearing Loss 

Hearing loss can have a major impact on your routine, but that doesn’t mean you have to accept a lower quality of life! There are many advancements in technology and new ways to cope with hearing loss that make it less of a burden. Try different solutions and find the best one for you and your lifestyle.  

Keys to Living Well with Hearing Loss 

1. Tell Others How to Communicate Best 

Some people may not understand the scope of hearing loss. Be sure to tell friends and family how to best communicate with you. This will help both them and you in the long run. Some tips you can tell them include: 

  • They should face you directly when speaking 
  • Ask them to speak clearly and slowly 
  • If one ear is better than the other, ask them to speak toward that side 
  • Avoid sudden changes of topic and ensure you are aware of the topic change 
  • Avoid interrupting others who are speaking 
  • Write important information on a sheet of paper 
  • Ask them to keep their hands away from their face when speaking  

2. Learn Non-Verbal Cues 

Paying attention to non-verbal cues can help those living with hearing loss. Body language can be a major indication of the tone in which someone is speaking or with whom they are speaking. You can also try to read lips if you are in a loud room and you find it challenging to hear. 

3. Find the Right Hearing Aids 

Consider getting a hearing test to find the right hearing aid. There are many versions out there and it’s important to find the right one for both your hearing problems and your lifestyle. Some options include in the ear canal or behind the ear. They can be custom fitted to your ear to reduce disruptions like wind noise or background noise. 

4. Use an Assistive Listening Device 

An assistive listening device can amplify sound through a speaker, so it rises above background noise. This can be helpful in busy places like an airport or a restaurant. You can use these devices alongside your normal hearing aid. 

5. Use Closed Captioning 

Most services like Netflix or YouTube provide the closed captioning option. Set this as the default on your devices to make it easier. You can also ask friends and family to turn it on while you are visiting to make it easier to enjoy TV.  

6. Take Control of Your Environment 

You may have some options when it comes to your environment. For example, you can ask to be seated in the quieter section of a restaurant or ask your family to sit in a circle. Don’t be afraid to speak up and tell those around you if you are struggling to hear. It is a common problem that many people deal with, and you should never be ashamed of it.  

7. Take Care of Yourself 

Make sure you go to regular checkups to catch any other hearing loss before it gets worse. Speak to a professional about the best devices to help you hear better. Also stay on top of your nutrition, as this can affect hearing in the long run.  

Speak with a Professional 

Now that you know some ways to cope with hearing loss, make an appointment with a professional to start taking action. Amdahl Hearing has professionals ready to help you find the best hearing aid and lifestyle plan based on your unique hearing loss.  

Contact us today to get started on your journey and get back to living life to the fullest.  

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.