Prioritizing your Hearing Health in 2021

Woman cupping a hand to her ear

When is the last time you visited your audiologist or had a hearing test? Do you regularly listen to headphones at full volume? Do you wear a hat to keep your ears warm in the winter? Do you wear protective earmuffs when exposed to loud noises? If you aren’t prioritizing your hearing health, it’s time to make a change in 2021. Your hearing health doesn’t just affect how well you can hear; it can affect other parts of your body and life as well.

Social Life

If you are struggling with your hearing, you may also be struggling with your social life. If you are unable to hear conversations easily, you may not be able to keep up with the conversation and you may feel isolated. This can feel both frustrating and embarrassing, and as a result, you may decline invites to participate in Zoom calls or other get-togethers. This can have an impact on your emotional well-being.

Job Performance

Your communication may suffer if you are having hearing problems. This can become an issue at work. While you cannot be discriminated against at work for having a hearing problem, your job performance may suffer.

Brain Health

Did you know that hearing problems can age the brain? One study from Johns Hopkins Medicine revealed a link between hearing loss and accelerated brain tissue loss. This can increase the risk of getting dementia. Hearing loss is also associated with other health issues, like heart problems and a great risk of falling.

It’s easy to procrastinate scheduling appointments to visit your family doctor, your audiologist, ophthalmologist, and any other doctor you may see, but it is important you schedule regular visits. It’s time to stop neglecting your hearing. If you haven’t had a hearing test recently and you’re beginning to suspect some hearing issues, schedule a hearing test as soon as possible. Understanding why you have hearing loss and how you can overcome it can improve your mental, emotional, and physical health. For tips on practicing other healthy habits to keep your ears safe, visit our blog.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.