Managing Tinnitus | How Do I Stop This Ringing in My Ears?

Woman covering her ears because of tinnitus

Tinnitus can be a complex condition to manage, but with proper care, you can effectively identify the cause of this condition and regulate it appropriately. Before pinpointing the cause of your tinnitus, it’s essential to understand this disorder.

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is common for nearly 20% of people—those suffering from this ailment experience frequent ringing in one or both ears. Tinnitus can result from many things, like age-related hearing loss, injuries to the ears, an ear infection, or blockage of the ear canal.

There are many more causes of tinnitus, but almost every patient afflicted reports a chronic ringing in the ear that may result in other symptoms like fatigue, headaches, problems sleeping, trouble with memory and concentration, and even an increase in symptoms of depression and anxiety. 

How to Manage Tinnitus?

If you suffer from tinnitus, there are a few ways you can manage the symptoms. First, most people see an increase in symptoms in response to stress. One of the best ways to reduce these symptoms is to handle your stress levels with relaxation methods like meditation and exercise.

You may also benefit from ambient noise as a relief for tinnitus. Your condition may worsen with silence, so be sure to incorporate ambient noise or music into your routine. If a room is too silent, you can listen to soft music, try using white noise, or tune in to the radio.

Working with an Audiologist

If you experience tinnitus regularly and have trouble mitigating symptoms, you should work with a licensed audiologist or Ear, Nose, & Throat Doctor. An ENT doctor or audiologist can help you determine the potential triggers for your condition and identify any unhealthy habits that contribute to tinnitus, like alcohol or tobacco use. They may also order an audiological exam. Your hearing is a gift, and protecting it may require the help of a professional. An audiological exam can help rule out potential causes of tinnitus, allowing you to understand the cause of your tinnitus better. For the best service, schedule a consultation with Amdahl Hearing.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.