How Often Should I Replace My Hearing Aids? | Hearing Aid Replacement

The answer to this question has really changed over my almost 30 years in the industry. Back in the mid-90s the answer was pretty simple: everyone replaced their hearing aids after somewhere between four and six years. There were a number of reasons for this. Probably the most common reason was simply that a patient’s hearing got significantly worse. Since hearing aids were not programmable and there was no way to add more power, we simply needed to replace the entire mechanism.

As time passed, hearing aids became more adjustable. First came analog programmable hearing aids. While these hearing aids still did not have the ability to increase power, we could manipulate many other features to make them last longer. More recently, hearing aids have the ability to increase power significantly, therefore allowing patients to wear their hearing aids much longer.

When to Get a Hearing Aid Replacement

So, how long should a hearing aid last? Well, like most things, the answer is not the same for everyone. Having said that, the answer is the same. The answer is “when it’s necessary”.

Hearing aids today are almost infinitely adjustable. We can adjust levels of power, we can connect them to our phones via Bluetooth, and they have myriad features that can all be adjusted.  Oftentimes, I hear that a hearing aid is obsolete. And 99% of the time, this is simply not true. How can a hearing aid be obsolete if it still works the way a patient wants it to work? How can it be obsolete if it still solves all of a patient’s problems?

In my opinion, hearing aids don’t become obsolete. But technology moves on. It seems like every month hearing aids have the ability to do something new. More adjustability, better comfort in noisy situations, and better connectivity. These changes represent a huge opportunity for patients struggling in certain circumstances. Therefore, it may be appropriate for a patient to look at upgrading their technology after a few years. Heck, it may become appropriate for patients to look at an upgrade after less than a year. Alternatively, a patient may do just fine with our current technology for 10 years or more. The only way you know for sure is to work with an experienced professional that you trust. By the way, at Amdahl Hearing, an upgrade is just that…Don’t expect to pay full price for an upgrade.

If you have questions about your current technology or have interest in what new technology could do for you, please give us a call at 320.252.0094, look us up online at, or email me directly at

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.