Now this is a question I literally get every single day. People are always wanting to know what the best size hearing aid is. I’ll hear things like, “Well my friend has the over-the-ear kind, and is pretty happy. But I really want something that nobody can see.” So it’s a fair question. What is […]
We know, this sounds like it would be something that rarely happens. While we certainly wouldn’t call it an everyday occurrence, it does happen more than one might think. From bugs to buttons, to Tic Tacs, to any number of other things—gross and otherwise—getting things stuck in your ear does happen. The question is, what do you […]
Those of you who have hearing aids are very likely familiar with wax filters or wax guards. For those of you who don’t know, a wax filter is a very small piece of plastic that’s inserted into the speaker of a hearing aid. The goal of the wax filter is to keep wax from reaching […]
One of the things I seem to hear more often than not, especially from proponents of Over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids, is that they are for “perceived mild to moderate hearing loss”, which seems to completely discount the need for a full diagnostic hearing evaluation, or, in layman terms, “a good hearing test.” My goal here […]
As I think about this issue, I can almost hear the panic in my patient’s voices when they call on the phone. “I’ve lost my hearing aid! Now, what do I do?” For many of my patients, this is a terrifying thought. They have already spent a significant amount of money on their hearing aids […]
If you are severely hard of hearing or deaf, you may be a candidate for a cochlear implant. Unlike hearing aids, cochlear implants do not make sounds louder. They do, however, allow people to experience the sensation of sound by directly stimulating the auditory nerve. What Are Cochlear Implants, and How Do They Work? Cochlear […]
An ear infection is an inflammation that occurs in the air-filled space behind the eardrum (middle ear). These ear infections happen when viruses or bacteria trap and infect fluid from behind the eardrum, which causes pain, swelling, and bulging of the eardrum. This type of infection is common among children since they haven’t yet built […]
The ear is an organ that allows us to hear, as well as enables the body to balance using the vestibular system. The anatomy of our auditory system can be divided into two parts—central and peripheral. From there, the anatomy of the ear is further divided. While complex, understanding how the ear works can be […]
Our senses are how we interact with the world around us. As patients, we see specialized doctors to make sure each of our senses is in good working order. There are many facets of hearing specialists – from a typical ear, nose, and throat doctor to specialists that treat specific hearing symptoms. Learn more about […]
For many years, musicians have used wedge monitors during live performances to hear themselves and their audio cues. Though, as with most everything else, technology has advanced to provide better equipment and ear protection for performers. While wedge monitors have serviced many musicians in the past, in-ear, custom-fit Tunz monitors provide distinct advantages. The Problem with Wedge […]