You already know that hearing
aids can improve hearing and communication. But did you know they can also
enhance safety? Several studies have confirmed what many hearing healthcare
experts and their patients already knew — that using hearing aids improves
quality of life, and can provide the wearer with an increased sense of safety
and independence. Here are a few reasons why:
Improved balance. Researchers from the Washington University School of
Medicine found that adults performed better on balance tests when wearing
hearing aids. This study supports the idea that treating hearing loss (with
properly fit amplification) might help reduce the risk of falling.
Increased awareness. Hearing is an important sense for environmental
awareness and preventing accidents. Hearing aids can help an individual detect
hazards in their surroundings, such as automobiles, sirens, and pets. Hearing
well can also help you recognize where a potential danger may be coming from.
Addressing changes in hearing will help you be alert and hopefully stay safe
during your daily activities.
Enhanced safety. Numerous studies have linked untreated hearing loss
to an increased risk of safety issues including accidental injuries, injuries
at work and more frequent and longer hospitalizations. Using hearing aids can
provide peace of mind for you and your loved ones by decreasing safety risks
and delivering an enhanced sense of security.
How wearing hearing aids can help enhance your safety
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